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Coffee Recipes, Expert Tips, Single Origin And Blends

Natural Coffee Processing The Definitive Guide [2024]

Natural Coffee Processing: The Definitive Guide [2024]


Natural Coffee Processing Explained

Natural coffee processing, also known as dry processing, is the oldest and most traditional method of preparing coffee beans. Unlike washed coffee processing, the natural method involves drying the whole coffee cherry, including the fruit, before extracting the bean. This process creates unique, complex flavor profiles that coffee enthusiasts often describe as fruity and earthy. In this definitive guide, we’ll explore the steps, flavor characteristics, advantages, and challenges of natural processing.

What is Natural Coffee Processing?

Natural processing is a method in which ripe coffee cherries are spread out to dry in the sun, either on patios or raised beds. Over the course of 2-4 weeks, the cherries are regularly turned to ensure even drying, which helps prevent mold growth. When the moisture content reaches around 10-12%, the outer layers of the cherries (skin, pulp, and mucilage) are mechanically removed, revealing the coffee bean inside.

Step-by-Step Process of Natural Coffee Processing:

  1. Harvesting: Only the ripest cherries are selected for natural processing.
  2. Sun Drying: Cherries are spread on raised beds or patios to dry under the sun.
  3. Turning: Cherries are turned frequently to avoid mold and ensure even drying.
  4. Moisture Level: Drying continues for 2-4 weeks until the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%.
  5. Bean Extraction: Once dried, the outer layers are removed mechanically to expose the bean.
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